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Thursday, October 17, 2013
Trauma Symptom Checklist: Where to Begin
Truth That Hurts......
Trauma Symptom Checklist: Where to Begin
If you have been through a traumatic event, you may find it hard to talk about your experiences. But, it can be helpful to tell your doctor or a counselor about any symptoms you have. Witnessing or going through a trauma can lead to both emotional and physical problems.
The checklist below can be a good start to talking about your symptoms following a trauma. You can print this page, complete the checklist and show it to your doctor, therapist, or someone who can help you find care.
Sharing this information will help a health care provider know you better and plan the best treatment for you. Not everyone who goes through trauma will get PTSD, but keep in mind that good treatments are available even if you only have some PTSD symptoms.
Brief checklist of trauma symptoms
Check the symptoms below that you experience. Include symptoms you have even if you are not sure they are related to a traumatic event.
I experienced or witnessed a traumatic event during which I felt extreme fear, helplessness, or horror.
The event happened on (day/month/year) _______________.
What happened? ________________________________________.
- I have symptoms of re-experiencing or reliving the traumatic event:
- Have bad dreams or nightmares about the event or something similar to it
- Behave or feel as if the event were happening all over again (this is known as having flashbacks)
- Have a lot of strong or intense feelings when I am reminded of the event
- Have a lot of physical sensations when I am reminded of the event (for example, my heart races or pounds, I sweat, find it hard to breathe, feel faint, feel like I'm going to lose control)
- I have symptoms of avoiding reminders of the traumatic event:
- Avoid thoughts, feelings, or talking about things that remind me of the event
- Avoid people, places, or activities that remind me of the event
- Have trouble remembering some important part of the event
- I have noticed these symptoms since the event happened:
- Have lost interest in, or just don't do, things that used to be important to me
- Feel detached from people; find it hard to trust people
- Feel emotionally "numb" or find it hard to have loving feelings even toward those who are emotionally close to me
- Have a hard time falling or staying asleep
- Am irritable and have problems with my anger
- Have a hard time focusing or concentrating
- Think I may not live very long and feel there's no point in planning for the future
- Am jumpy and get startled or surprised easily
- Am always "on guard"
- I experience these medical or emotional problems:
- Stomach problems
- Intestinal (bowel) problems
- Gynecological (female) problems
- Weight gain or loss
- Pain, for example, in back, neck, or pelvic area
- Headaches
- Skin rashes and other skin problems
- Lack of energy; feel tired all the time
- Alcohol, drug, or other substance use problems
- Depression or feeling down
- Anxiety or worry
- Panic attacks
- Other symptoms such as: ______________________________
Summing it up
If you checked off some of the symptoms above, it is important for you to let your health care provider know. This information helps providers plan your medical treatment. It can also help them connect you with services you may need.
If you think you may have PTSD, print this checklist, fill it out, and take it to a health care provider, or someone you trust.
(c) T.Vossen 2013
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This day on,
Friday, October 11, 2013
Truth That Hurts......
(c) T.Vossen 2013

This day on,
Friday, October 11, 2013
Every Month Should Be A Child Abuse Preventative Month Find Out The Signs To Prevent it From Happening to You
Truth That Hurts......
(c) T.Vossen 2013

Grant-Writing Toolkit
Use the resources below to complete grants to fund the purchase of our programs.
Resources Specific to Our Programs
Click on these links for specific program information, including alignment to academic content standards:
- Second Step early learning Scope and Sequence (PDF), Review of Research (PDF), Head Start Alignment Chart (PDF), and program costs
- Second Step Scope and Sequence chart PDFs for Kindergarten and Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5;Review of Research for Kindergarten–Grade 5 (PDF); Academic Alignment chart PDFs forKindergarten–Grade 3 and Grade 4–5; and program costs
- Second Step middle school Scope and Sequence chart PDFs for Grades 6, 7, and 8, Review of Research (PDF), Academic Alignment Chart (PDF), and program costs
- Steps to Respect Scope and Sequence, Review of Research (PDF), Academic Alignment Chart(PDF), and program costs
- Talking About Touching Scope and Sequence chart PDFs for preschool–Kindergarten and Grade 1–3, Review of Research (PDF), Head Start Alignment Chart (PDF), and program costs
Assessment and Evaluation Resources
Recently there has been a heavy focus on assessment and evaluation in grant requirements. Many federal programs require schools to do a needs assessment and process and outcome evaluation to show the need for the program and demonstrate results.
The Second Step and Steps to Respect programs both include needs assessment and evaluation tools to help you measure program success.
- Find tools for the current (2008 and 2011) editions of the Second Step program
- Join our free online community to find tools for the previous (2002) edition of the Second Stepprogram and the Steps to Respect program
Read about using discipline referral data (PDF) in program assessment and evaluation.
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This day on,
Friday, October 11, 2013
Child Abuse in U.S. Declines for 5th Straight Year HealthDay News
by -- Robert Preidt
Updated: Dec 13th 2012
Updated: Dec 13th 2012
THURSDAY, Dec. 13 (HealthDay News) -- The number of child abuse and neglect cases reported in the United States in 2011 fell for the fifth consecutive year, according to a new federal government report.
About 681,000 cases of child abuse or neglect were documented last year, which continues the steady decrease from 723,000 cases in 2007, said the document from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Children and Families.
However, the number of child deaths due to maltreatment has fluctuated. Deaths peaked at 1,740 in 2009, but were at a five-year low of 1,570 in 2011.
"We have made excellent progress over the past five years," George Sheldon, acting assistant secretary of the administration, said in an HHS news release. "But what this report tells me is that we still have 681,000 children out there who need our help. We must continue coordination efforts among federal, state and local agencies to focus on child maltreatment prevention."
The report said about 54 percent of abusers were women, about 48 percent were white, roughly 20 percent were black and around 19 percent were Hispanic. In about 81 percent of cases, the abusers were the victim's parent.
Of the children who suffered abuse or neglect last year, about 11 percent were physically or mentally disabled.
Some of the victims were exposed to domestic violence (about 25 percent), drug abuse (almost 19 percent) or alcohol abuse (almost 10 percent), according to the report.
Bryan Samuels, commissioner of the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, said the report shows that the families who experience child abuse and neglect face multiple challenges. "So we are targeting some investments to approaches that understand and respond to that complexity," Samuels said in the news release.
This year, the Administration for Children and Families awarded grants to several projects meant to prevent or treat child abuse and neglect in these families.
More information
The American Academy of Pediatrics has more about child abuse.
This article: Copyright © 2012 HealthDay. All rights reserved.Truth That Hurts......Shapes that are untypical for 3- and 4-year-old children
Shapes that are phallic symbols.
Jiggly lines that indicate anxiety
Straight mouths that mean people can't say anything.
Jagged mouths that mean anxiety.
A mouth that is open and oval shaped
Darkened eyes
Eyeballs that are scribbled around
Eyes that are two different colors
Drawing something and then covering it up
Drawings something and not talking about it
Colors are very important and significant:
Black means the child is frightened or distressed; black is a morbid down color
Red means angry, unless the child is drawing a pretty red flower, when it is healthy
If everything is the picture is red or red and black, this is very suspicious.
Blue, brown, and orange mean fear, anger, and depression
Pink, red, and green are healthy colors
(c) T.Vossen 2013
This day on,
Friday, October 11, 2013
Pictures About Abuse . . .
This day on,
Friday, October 11, 2013
What Child Abuse to ME?
Truth That Hurts......
(c) T.Vossen 2013
- There are physical signs of injury, such as bruises, sores, burns, cuts, or black eyes. Such injuries may be hidden (e.g., behind sunglasses or
- with clothing)
- The victim makes implausible excuses for injuries or absences ("I fell down the stairs").
- The victim displays personality changes (angry, depressed, moody, defensive, etc.)
- The victim becomes withdrawn, or suddenly fearful.
- The victim becomes depressed, or more irritable or agitated than normal.
- The victim has difficulty sleeping at night, or may display excessive tiredness (can be a symptom of depression)
- The victim's appetite changes for better or worse. Weight loss or gain may occur (can be a symptom of depression).
- The victim's self-esteem lowers.
- The victim is distracted and has difficulty concentrating.
- The victim neglects hygiene (becomes smelly, goes unwashed; may be an attempt to ward off a sexual predator if a child, or as a consequence of depression).
- Changes are noted in the victim's personal appearance or in the appearance of his or her home or living environment.
- The victim complains of pain in the genital region (more common in children).
- For older children and adults, the victim 'acts out', becoming sexually promiscuous, and/or using drugs.
- Elders may display confusion
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Global Movement. Long Term Effects of Abuse,
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Truth About Abuse
This day on,
Friday, October 11, 2013
You know what America-we are Lazy or stupid, you pick if you know why?
Did you know that China buy's and Leases a lot of our Land
Especially here in the Lower Columbia Region and there's tree's
are not only more exotic but beautiful too. There reason is for $$$$
and that's because Northwestern's or South western Washingtonian's
are too lazy or insufficient to realize that not only are we wasted space,
but my friends...were selling out to another country who is capitalizing
on our stupidity, HOW RUDE!!!!!
I want some of there tree's!!!!
Pic's all are of China's Evergreen
Truth That Hurts...... (c) T.Vossen 2013
This day on,
Friday, October 11, 2013
Tina-RPs-PointGiver (Tina) on deviantART
Tina-RPs-PointGiver (Tina) on deviantART
Truth That Hurts...... (c) T.Vossen 2013
Truth That Hurts...... (c) T.Vossen 2013
CHEHALIS – Michelle Croft and Melissa Baum are living every parent’s nightmare, but still took time out to help Lewis County 911 dispatchers shine a spotlight on the resources available to both prevent and find missing children.
Both have daughters who vanished; Kayla Croft-Payne three years ago and Lindsey Baum from McCleary in Grays Harbor County almost a year before that.
“It’s a club none of us wants to be in,” Baum said last week when the two mothers took part in a gathering at Stan Hedwall Park in Chehalis.
Lindsey Baum was 10 years old, when she was last seen June 26, 2009. She left a friend’s house to walk home and never arrived. Kayla Croft-Payne was 18 and living southwest of Chehalis on April 28, 2010 when she last logged onto her MySpace internet account. She was reported missing on May 5 by a friend who hadn’t seen or heard from her for several days.
Though Kayla was already technically an adult, Lewis County sheriff’s detectives have made sure her information got added to various databases on missing kids.
Kayla’s younger sister Shelbie regularly sends messages to Kayla, via floating helium balloons up in to the sky.
“Three or four times a month, plus events like this,” Croft said.
On Wednesday, beneath gray and drizzling skies, they did it again. Theirs was among scores of red and white balloons released in recognition of youngsters who have disappeared.
“Each balloon represents hopes and prayers for the eventual return of each missing child,” said Craig Larsen, Lewis County 911 manager.
Larsen’s staff began a big push last year to do more about the issue, taking part in training to provide swift and decisive responses in the early stages of incidents.
The first few moments when a child goes missing are the most critical, Larsen told a crowd of more than 40 individuals.
“You never get to go back to that,” he said.
The county department recently got its certification from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
His people have been working to spread the word about what others can do.
What they’ve learned from NCMEC, is families can help by making sure their little ones know their own phone number, their address, he said.
“Their parents names, not just ‘mom’ and ‘dad’,” he said. “Together, we really can make a difference.”
There are approximately 800,000 missing kids in the country today, according to Larsen. Eleven of them are from Lewis County.
The following list was read on Wednesday of 11 children who are listed as missing from Lewis County, compiled from local law enforcement agencies by the Washington State Patrol’s Missing and Unidentified Persons Unit.
• Kayla Croft-Payne: Since April 2010, then age 18, believed endangered
• Xavier Burroughs: Since February 2011, then age 1, circumstances unknown
• Lillie Burroughs: Since February 2011, then age 2, circumstances unknown
• Angelica Mejiamoctezuma: Since May 2012, then age 15, believed runaway
• Ashley Fern: Since September 2012, then age 16, believed runaway
• Ashley Tanner: Since January 2013, age 17, believed runaway
• John Williford: Since January 2013, age 17, believed runaway
• Antonio Aguilar: Since January 2013, age 17, believed runaway
• Ruben Valles-Nortin: Since February 2013, age 15, believed runaway
• Cody Moorman: Since May 10, 2013, age 13, believed runaway
• Lilli Morellia: Since May 18, 2013, age 17, believed runaway
See missing children of Washington state, here
Lewis County 911 is distributing resource materials to local libraries and through the sheriff’s office. The “Take 25” campaign – with info also available online – encourages parents and other adults to take 25 minutes to talk to children about safety.
This day on,
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
How to crack the code of Monarch Programming Beta Illuminati Mind Control
Truth That Hurts......
(c) T.Vossen 2013
Exhibit 1. Star Fleet Technical Order. (TM:379260-1)
This page show codes on the far left that are similar to the type of codes used in Monarch access codes. Alters are trained to take the body upon the proper access code. Also certain activities or programs can be triggered by codes also.
Exhibit 2. Uniform Color Code. (TM:379260-0)
In creating a System within the slave’s mind, geometric shapes are used. Within these shapes a number of worlds or universes will be created. These worlds can be 3-D. That means when building them in the child’s mind they can have height, depth, and width. One system which I have seen several times in slaves has been a 13 x 13 x 13 cube. In order to give another dimension and to give the programmers the ability to tie different things in different parts of the system together--the programmers use color coding. Each alter will receive a color code. I am familiar with the standard color coding program, and how it is put into the child’s mind. Dr. Green (Mengele) used a box of colored scarfs and electroshock to program in the color coding into victim’s mind. Besides alters, other things in the system may be color coded also. Let’s say as Programmers we place hidden observers on each level, system or world. Then we can tie those isolated alters together by color coding them the same. During the programming, computers are built into the mind to operate the programming, and they send their signals according to color coding.
Exhibit 3. MILKY WAY GALAXY MAP. (TM379260-2)
This is just one of a number of maps that go with the Star Trek programming. During the programming (which is sophisticated torture of all kinds backed up w/ drugs) the child’s mind will be encouraged to psychotically build worlds in his or her mind. These worlds are built with vortexes, mine fields, and in the case of Star Trek programming Radiation zones. If an alter would attempt to wander from its assigned spot in the mind, it will run into Radiation zones, walls, and other barriers. These zones are built into the mind, to insure that the multiple personalities do not contact each other. Aliens and holograms protect certain areas and prevent personalities from freely moving around in the mind. These “aliens” are placed into the victim’s mind by high level demonology--in other words they are not aliens--they are demons which have been brought in by high level rituals.
Exhibit 4. 4.1 COMPUTER SYSTEM (p.50)
The first thing created are the multiple personalities. Then these personalities are placed into a structured system. To operate that structured system and to insure compliance the Monarch programmer will put in what is called Omega programming. Omega programming consists of computers, wiring, conduits and cords. The most important part are the computers. These computers contain the instructions, and they are controlled by internal programmers who may be alters or who may be high level demons. The aliens (demons) who are placed strategically in the mind to keep the Omega programming intact are put in by sophisticated high level demonology. The high level demonology part of the programming is the most secret and it is termed Gamma programming. This is a diagram which could be used to help build into the child’s mind a computer. In the early programming, a little girl while being tortured would be shown a multi-roomed dollhouse. The rooms would each have a separate color. The rooms would be linked in the child’s mind to computers. In other words--the dollhouse structure was the structure the computers used. In the Star Trek programming, the modern child simply is given a multi-roomed computer like the one drawn.
Various methods of communication and travel within a Monarch system’s mind will be built in. Various alters are allowed contact with other alters. Portals and one-way mirrors or one-way windows are built in also. In order to teach an alter to come to the front of the mind, an airplane taking off on a runway might be used as a visual aid to teaching how to leave the alters cubicle in the mind and come forward to take the body. Various internal communication system’s can be built into the System. The training manual is full of many possible communication and locomotion devices, and this is just one of a whole number of items that could be incorporated into a Monarch child’s mind as it is programmed.
Exhibit 6. pg. 82. UTILITIES.
The brain stems are scarred on babies and when the body rebuilds itself it overcompensates and the brain gets an incredible memory. Monarch slaves with scarred brain stems are running the computer systems for the New World Order. If the slave has a photographic memory as many of them do, then a specific chart like this utility chart could function as the blueprint for the mind when it creates its power packs. Power packs, and energy cells (sometimes put in like light bulbs) run the computers which are built into the slave’s mind. This is part of what is called the Omega programming.
Exhibit 7. TM:379260-2 S.I.N.S.
Base Datum. This is a coordinate system. In the early years the Monarch systems were built with 3 hour glasses each spinning on a x,y, or z axis. The hour glasses could be turned and in so doing the entire system of alters could be turned. Let’s say that we have a slave and we have created great Christian front alters. Now, we decide that the time has come to use the dark Satanic alters full time. Since the dark alters are hidden at the bottom of the system, we need to rotate the System 180 degrees so that the Satanic alters are now on top. Now the Satanic alters will receive extra energy to be out holding the body full time. This SINS Base Datum is a way of making a coordinate system for a Monarch System. Certain codes would then be given the System to make a shift when the handler needs to turn a System.
Exhibit 8. Click "Exhibit 8" to read a part of the article.
Darth Vader cover of Warren Magazine, plus the next two pages. This final exhibit consists of not one but 3 pages which are the first 3 pages of a article written byMichael Aquino. This article is Michael Aquino’s own version of Star Wars.
It is this version that he wrote and then used to program Monarch Mind-Controlled slaves. Actually to give credit where credit is due, an army colonel (who has since moved to Santa Fe, NM) at the Army’s War College worked with Michael Aquinoat designing mind-control programming around the Star War’s script.
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Tuesday, October 08, 2013
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