Truth That Hurts......
Toni L.Vossen 2013
Trauma Therapy: Family Dysregulation - Part 4
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Sunday, March 31, 2013
Molested All Three of His Kids, Then Moves to Next Generation
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Toni L.Vossen 2013
Breakfast reading from the Village Voice Empire:T arver's daughter spoke up after he was busted for sexually assaulting his grandchild, telling authorities that he first abused her at age four. Later, the other kids shared their own horrible memories. Westword has the story.
The story below is a lot like my own story.... sick but true! The truth you never want to get used to
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Saturday, March 30, 2013
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Friday, March 29, 2013
Trauma Therapy: Family Dysregulation - Part 3
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Friday, March 29, 2013
Man charged with sexually assaulting seven-year-old Sask. girl Read more:
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Man charged with sexually assaulting seven-year-old girl this is how
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Toni L.Vossen 2013
Man charged with sexually assaulting seven-year-old girl this is how
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When a young girl went missing from her home in Viscount, a construction worker who’d seen an “odd” conversation between her and a neighbor thought he probably knew where she was.
That neighbor Jack Wayne Broesky, had been over at the house earlier in the day, talking with the seven-year-old girl within earshot of Thomas Vossen, who was working up on some scaffolding tearing siding off the girl’s house. Vossen testified he saw Broesky bent over talking to the girl with one hand on her bum and one hand on her chest.
The Crown and defense will be making their closing arguments on the case Wednesday afternoon.
That neighbor Jack Wayne Broesky, had been over at the house earlier in the day, talking with the seven-year-old girl within earshot of Thomas Vossen, who was working up on some scaffolding tearing siding off the girl’s house. Vossen testified he saw Broesky bent over talking to the girl with one hand on her bum and one hand on her chest.
“I thought that encounter was very odd. He didn’t seem close to the family,” Vossen said. “The encounter seemed off.”
Broesky, 58, is on trial in Saskatoon Court of Queen’s Bench charged with sexually assaulting and unlawfully confining the girl, whose identity is protected by a publication ban, on May 25, 2011.
After Vossen was done work that day, he went home but later received a text message from one of his co-workers that the girl was missing. He said he immediately thought of what he had witnessed between the girl and Broesky.
Vossen and his co-worker drove to Broesky’s home, where Vossen knocked repeatedly and loudly on the door but didn’t get any answer, said Vossen, who is now a police officer in Saskatoon.
They then drove to the Viscount bar because Vossen had earlier seen Broesky leave the girl’s home by getting into a vehicle with the bar owner. They didn’t find Broesky at the bar so they returned to his house. While they were there, the girl’s father — who had been driving around town looking for his daughter — noticed them and came over. Vossen told the girl’s father about his suspicions and asked if he should phone the police.
After Vossen phoned police — who had to come from Saskatoon, 45 minutes away — the father knocked on Broesky’s door. This time, Broesky opened it and the girl came out of the house.
RCMP conducted a videotaped interview of the girl later that night. On the video, which was played in court, she told the RCMP officer that Broesky had rubbed bug spray and suntan lotion on her body, and put baby powder on her private parts. She also said she saw Broesky naked and described him masturbating.
She said that when she first met Broesky, he was her best friend, “but now he isn’t because he’s touching everything of mine and I don’t like it.”
The defense called one witness, another neighbor who said she had seen the girl and other children playing what appeared to be hide and seek around Broesky’s house that day. Tracy Holcomb said she saw the girl “sneak” up onto Broesky’s front steps, as if to hide, but then the girl was out of her line of sight and she didn’t see her again until later that night when the girl’s dad carried her away from Broesky’s house.
Holcomb also described an incident two days earlier where she saw the girl talking with Broesky, who was sitting in a lawn chair in his front yard. They were talking and touching, she said.
“I texted my neighbor ... asking her if she thought it was weird that (Broesky) was interacting with kids this way,” Holcomb said. “She didn’t think so, but in my gut, I was weirder out at the time.”The Crown and defense will be making their closing arguments on the case Wednesday afternoon.
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A soul full of Emotions,
Long Term Effects of Abuse,
Renting Lacey,
Rescue Her from Abuse,
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Stop Abuse,
Stop Child Abuse,
Stop Sex Trafficking,
Toni vossen
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Thursday, March 28, 2013
Trauma Therapy: Family Dysregulation - Part 2
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Toni L.Vossen 2013
Shared Hope,Cause2care4kids
A soul full of Emotions,
Effects of abuser,
mother dearest,
Rescue Her from Abuse,
Save a Child,
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Thursday, March 28, 2013
My Photo's
Truth That Hurts......
Toni L.Vossen 2013
Shared Hope,Cause2care4kids
A soul full of Emotions,
Make A Wish,
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This day on,
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Trauma Therapy: Family Dysregulation
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Effects of abuser,
Long Term Effects of Abuse,
Look into the truth of Abuse,
Michael Lee Vossen,
mother dearest,
Stop Sex Trafficking,
Susan Sherwin,
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Truth About Abuse
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013
4 Ruls for you and a relationship with BPD
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Toni L.Vossen 2013
Shared Hope,Cause2care4kids
Renting Lacey,
Rescue Her from Abuse,
signs your mother was fucked up,
Stop Abuse,
Stop Sex Trafficking,
Susan Sherwin,
Toni vossen,
Truth About Abuse
This day on,
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Truth That Hurts......
Toni L.Vossen 2012
“If childhood is a house…then child abuse is a like having someone break in and force you to watch at gunpoint while he burns the house down. In order to heal, one must then saw the lumber, cut the glass, weave the curtains, and build the furniture…You can pay someone else to show you how, but you can’t buy someone else’s or get someone to rebuild it for you.”
–The Crime and Its Victim
The loss of innocence is a tragedy, and nowhere is this more evident than in the case of child sexual abuse (CSA), an offense that includes not only sexual intercourse, but also any act designed to stimulate a child sexually, or to use the child for the sexual stimulation, either of the perpetrator or of another person. Most commonly, the perpetrator is a family member. And perhaps this is the greatest betrayal: Those who are supposed to be protecting the child are often the very ones causing suffering.
CSA has no bias in favor of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, neighborhood, religion, or culture. It is a problem that affects everyone. Most of us know someone who has been sexually abused, whether we are aware of it or not. Often abuse victims themselves may not be fully aware of their own abuse histories, with many survivors not remembering the abuse until years later. The Badgley Report of 1984, a well-known Canadian study on CSA, revealed that one in two girls and one in three boys are the victims of unwanted sexual acts before the age of eighteen. David Finkelhor, an American sociologist, found in his research that at least one in five women and one in ten men in America experience some kind of sexual abuse before the age of eighteen. CSA is more widespread than many of us care to admit, and its roots are still being researched today.
The effects of CSA are pervasive and long-lasting, including for example, increases in the likelihood of victims falling into prostitution (76% to 90% of sex-trade workers have experienced CSA), and increases by 40% in the chance of criminal behavior later in life. Physical health effects of CSA are similar to those who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. An increased risk of obesity, chronic pain conditions, enlargement of adrenal glands, and poorer cardiopulmonary health are all correlated with CSA. Mental health effects include increased risk of depression, anxiety, suicidal behavior, schizophrenia, and dissociative identity disorder.
Research has found that CSA often results in children developing an insecure attachment pattern that can last throughout the lifespan. The effects of insecure attachment were discussed in a previous Trauma and Attachment Report article, “Early Attachment: Leaving Its Mark Across the Lifespan” (March 11, 2011). Of particular importance to the issue of CSA is that these insecure attachments can translate into troubled adult relationships.
These relationships can include the tendency to be mistrustful, to be fearful of closeness, loss or abandonment (fearful attachment). Or to become unduly preoccupied by prior hurts, along with feelings of interpersonal anxiety (preoccupied attachment); or, to minimize the importance of intimacy altogether, avoiding relationships and emotions that make the person feel vulnerable (dismissing/avoidant attachment).
The transmission of attachment style from parent to child has been a focus of research in child psychology since psychiatrist John Bowlby began studying it in detail in the 1950s and 60s. Studies of identical twins have found that the attachment style of the mother present throughout the individual’s childhood, adoptive or biological, is the determining factor of the attachment styles of her children, not genetics per se. Other studies have shown that insecure attachment styles may occur partially because of unhealthy relationships between the child’s primary caregiver and the caregiver’s significant other. These problematic relationships are especially more common amongst adults with unhealthy attachment styles themselves.
In contrast, attachments considered to be “secure,” where the parent provides a feeling of protection and safety when the child feels threatened or in danger, are tantamount to a sense of psychological health and happiness. Children who are securely attached are both less likely to experience CSA, and if they are victimized, they suffer fewer negative effects.
In the next article in this mini-series, the Trauma and Attachment Report will be interviewing Elsabeth Jensen, PhD in Psychiatric Nursing, a clinician specialized in treating survivors of CSA.
-Bradley Kushnier, Contributing Writer
-Read more of the statistics from the Badgley report here
-Read more of David Finkelhor’s his research here
Tags: Children, Coping, Sexual Abuse, Survivors
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Child Abuse,
Fight the War on Abuse,
into the truth,
Rescue Her from Abuse,
Save a Child,
signs your mother was fucked up,
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This day on,
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Sigmund Freud
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Do You Know Lacey,
Effects of abuser,
Look into the truth of Abuse,
Make A Wish,
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toni l. vossen
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Intro to Personality - Psychology 101
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Toni Vossen
Toni L.Vossen 2013
Intro to Personality Psychology
~~~~~`Chapter 1: Introduction to
Personality Theory and Development~~~~~~~~
So what is
To understand this concept, you
first need to understand
the difference between a trait and a state…
A trait is a relatively permanent individual
characteristic. For example, most of know people who are outgoing,
friendly, confident, or shy. When we describe these people, we use these
traits to better understand their personality; to better understand who they are.
A state, on the other hand, is a temporary change in
one's personality. Examples of states might be angry, depressed,
fearful, or anxious. We typically use states to describe a person's
reaction to something.
Here Are
some facts I found out…………………….
Ø Personality
is one of the most theorized aspects of Psychology researched.
Ø To Understand
the difference between trait and state you need to think about how a person is
and then take note of how they may change; temporarily.
Ø Traits
are characteristics of an individual that makes them standout or unique.
Why is it important to research and theorize about
Ø To
understand the characteristics of a person’s behavior to observe future
patterns; in hopes to change or control the outcome.
Ø To understand certain aspects of a person’s lifestyle
that is causing negative impacts, in hopes to make a positive impact.
As you can see, the
ultimate goal of psychology is to improve the quality of life through a better
understanding of individual differences and similarities. Personality is
concerned a great deal with all five of these goals, but we will spend the
majority of the text discussing the first three. In other words,
personality theory is concerned with observing individual characteristics,
understanding how these different characteristics came about, and finally, how
they are impacting the individual’s quality of life
Why Study Personality?
we know a person is confident, or outgoing, or friendly, what do we need to
study? Why is it important to research and theorize about personality?\To answer these questions, you need to understand
a little about the field of psychology in general. Psychology is the
study of thoughts, emotions, and behavior, and their interaction with each
other and the world. There are five basic goals of psychology:
Ø Describe – The
first goal is to observe behavior and describe, often in minute detail, what
was observed as objectively as possible
Ø 2. Explain – While
descriptions come from observable data, psychologists must go beyond what is
obvious and explain their observations. In other words, why did the subject do
what he or she did?
Ø 3. Predict – Once we know what happens, and
why it happens, we can begin to speculate what will happen in the future.
There’s an old saying, which very often holds true: "the best predictor
of future behavior is past behavior."
Ø 4. Control – Once we know what happens, why
it happens and what is likely to happen in the future, we can excerpt control
over it. In other words, if we know you choose abusive partners because your
father was abusive, we can assume you will choose another abusive partner, and
can therefore intervene to change this negative behavior.
5. Improve – Not only do psychologists attempt to
control behavior, they want to do so in a positive manner, they want to
improve a person’s life, not make it worse. This is not always the case, but
it should always be the intention. ~*Cit. Dr. Christopher L. Heffner
Licensed Psychologist
Published: August 21, 2002
The Online
Tests at AllPsych are divided into three categories:
Psychology Academic tests are taken directly from the
material on this website and are designed to test your knowledge and
understanding of psychological principles and theory.
Diagnostic Screening tests were developed to help you better
understand your own mental health based on general categories of
psychopathology and mental illness. Please remember, these quizzes can
not replace a true diagnostic assessment by a licensed mental health
Finally, the Self-Help quizzes were designed to give you a better
understanding of your relationships, communication, stress level, etc.
These quizzes provide both a score and an interpretation, but please use
them as a guide only.
Toni L.Vossen 2013
Shared Hope,Cause2care4kids
Do You Know Lacey,
Effects of abuser,
into the truth,
Long Term Effects of Abuse,
mother dearest,
Rescue Her from Abuse,
Save a Child,
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013
I will not be Silent
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Toni L.Vossen 2012
I Will Not Be Silent: Child Abuse Treatment and Prevention
About our cause
We provide free or low-cost treatment for children who have been abused to help them recover from trauma. We also prevent abuse by providing parent education and support for at-risk families with children 0-5, and education in the schools about abuse. Our "I Will Not Be Silent" campaign encourages children and adults to speak out about abuse when it occurs. Prevention services can be provided in the home and begin prenatally for families at risk, available in Spanish and English.
What population we serve?
Low-income or poverty level families in crisis. Almost 3/4 of our clients are Latino, and 1/4 are monolingual Spanish-speaking.
What success we've already had
In the last fiscal year, CALM provided more than 2,000 clients with direct counseling services (group or individual) and home visitation support services, with 6,200 schoolchildren, teachers, and child-serving agencies receiving child abuse prevention education. One of our clients said, "CALM helped heal my broken heart."
Our primary mission
CALM’s mission is to prevent, assess and treat child abuse in Santa Barbara County by providing comprehensive, culturally competent services for children, adults and families.
Why should you support our cause
We help children heal from the devastating effects of abuse so that they can go on to become healthy, functioning adults in our society.
How the money will be spent
Program costs include supplies for art projects; food for snacks for groups who meet at meal times; salaries for therapists who provide services. Art therapy and group meetings are an important part of the healing process for children who have lost trust due to abuse.
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Sunday, March 24, 2013
Quote from Sigmund Freud
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This day on,
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Studies on Child Abuse and the facts...........................................................
Truth That Hurts......
Studies on Child Abuse and the facts...........................................................
Studies on Child Abuse and the facts...........................................................
- Confusing the experience for the child is damaging to the psycho-sexual development, which is usually lacking underneath.
- Sexually abused children are usually more emotionally immature than their peers.
- Over 90% of Sexual predators are ,male.
Children are the victims, but are still socially stigmatized, not only from their on guilt, but from peers, neighbors and family, which further distorts the child's perspective on self on relations.
- Secondary Traumatization the family process is where the child is not believed and is actually held responsible for the abuse which causes secondary damages and long term behavioral problems noted later in life.
- Secondary Traumatization the individual process is where the victim displays the sexual behaviors or victim behaviors throughout life, which makes them more vulnerable and unable to protect themselves from the consequences of their own behaviors; such as sexualized communication and victim messages. (Which leads to entirely new cycles of secondary victimizations and abused.
- Secondary damages can also be cause by an over competent professional as well, by the professional intervening at the wrong context. Therefore leaving long term effects of unsuccessful unethical interventions.
- Secondary damages are also the consequence of non-interventions, this is when the child’s attempts to receive help are denied, either by the protective parent or trusted adult social structure. Often interlocking the syndrome of secrecy & in addition making the abused child further live full of guilt and shame, that was never theirs to bare.
Dealing with a severely damaged individual in a professional aspect is a serious and consequently life altering way, the multi-professional must always take in mind that it is their legalities and should focus on the patient with human rights and health aspects about procedures and patient rights.
*Treatment of the complexities in the effects of sexual child abuse is something a person must not take light hearted, not only should the person have personal experience in this area, but also have much empathy in perspective the victim may perceive them to direct the blame
*Secondary damages from non-intervention can also be self caused, as to the victim doesn't trust herself to no who to trust and this causes her to never attempt to get help for recovering from the extensive damages lingering from the abuse.
Citation:The Multi-Professional Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse: Integrated Management ...
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Toni L.Vossen 2013
Shared Hope,Cause2care4kids
Child Abuse,
Effects of abuser,
Long Term Effects of Abuse,
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signs your mother was fucked up,
Susan Sherwin,
toni l. vossen,
Truth About Abuse
This day on,
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Truth That Hurts......
Toni L.Vossen 2013

Domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) is the commercial sexual exploitation of American children within U.S. borders for monetary or other compensation (shelter, food, drugs, etc.). This is synonymous with child sex slavery, sex slavery, child sex trafficking, prostitution of children, and commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC).
Shared Hope,Cause2care4kids
Effects of abuser,
Help the Children,
Linda Smith,
Rescue Her from Abuse,
Save Our Children,
Shared Hope Foundation,
Toni vossen
This day on,
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Protected Innocence Report Card - KOIN 6 News
Truth That Hurts......
Protected Innocence Report Card - KOIN 6 News from shared hope on Vimeo.
Toni L.Vossen 2012
Protected Innocence Report Card - KOIN 6 News from shared hope on Vimeo.
Protected Innocence Report Card - KOIN 6 News
Toni L.Vossen 2012
Shared Hope,Cause2care4kids
A soul full of Emotions,
A Truth that Hurts,
Linda Smith,
Shared Hope Foundation,
Stop Abuse,
Stop Sex Trafficking,
Toni vossen,
This day on,
Friday, March 15, 2013
Sex + Money: A National Search for Human Worth
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Toni L.Vossen 2013
Shared Hope International collaborates with artists, musicians, producers, television networks, government and policy leaders, anti-trafficking organizations, non-governmental organizations and others to create a strong, unified voice for the enslaved.
We are proud to list the following organizations as some of our most recent collaborators.
Sex + Money: A National Search for Human Worth
Sex + Money is a groundbreaking documentary about child sex trafficking in America. Shared Hope worked with the documentary crew to provide expert interviews, input and accuracy oversight. Shared Hope serves as the primary resource for Sex + Money activists seeking to learn more on the issue of domestic minor sex trafficking.
Halogen TV
Shared Hope provided expert interviews and resources to Halogen TV for the production of Tainted Love, a new original series where victims and experts uncover the modern day slave trade of sex trafficking and human trafficking. Shared Hope is currently working with Halogen TV to produce a 20-minute mini-documentary for activists fighting against child sex slavery, slated for release January 2013.
End Child Prostitution Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes (ECPAT-USA)
ECPAT-USA is a long-standing partner of Shared Hope, assisting with the strategic development and implementation of policy reform and legislative action. ECPAT-USA is a leading policy organization in the U.S., notable for creating the ECPAT Code of Conduct, a code that sets a standard of responsible business practices for members of the travel and tourism industry to deter child sexual exploitation.
The Protection Project at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies
The Protection Project is a human rights research instituted based at the Foreign Policy Institute at The Johns Hopkins University. Shared Hope and The Protection Project have collaborated on policy and legislative reform initiatives and protective child response strategies.
Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN)| Our America with Lisa Ling
Our America produced by the Oprah Winfrey Network provides an in-depth look at the most controversial issues in America. In the fall of 2011, Our America exposed the issue of child sex trafficking in the episode titled “3AM Girls.” Shared Hope staff joined Tina, a survivor of child sex trafficking, and Lisa Ling on the streets of Washington, D.C. to expose viewers to the prominence of child sex trafficking in America.
Shared Hope,Cause2care4kids
Global Movement,
Letting Go,
Linda Smith,
Long Term Effects of Abuse,
Rescue Her from Abuse,
Shared Hope Foundation,
Shared Hope International,
Stop Sex Trafficking,
Toni vossen,
Truth About Abuse
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Thursday, March 14, 2013
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